Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tyre Noise

Dear Learners,

In this note, I want to take your attention towards a potential threat of tyre " Noise ". Tyre rolling noise emissions have increased over time, which is predominantly due to increased use of wider tyres. Therefore Directive 2001/43/EC complements the vehicle noise standards by setting a test procedure and noise limit values for tyre rolling noise.

I want to explain this with the following video:

Now a lot more regulations, various governement bodies are planning to regulate tyre noise.

Please visit this website for a lot more information.This site gives a lot of educational videos on vehicle Noise and tyre & road noises in particular.

Cheers !!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What is PAH issue in Rubber Industry?

Greetings again!

Do you know that the Extender oils, commonly used in the rubber industry , can contain different levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAH’s are organic substances which hazardous properties are toxic for humans and the environment.

Tyre Industry uses huge quanties of these materials!

Friends, these materials are going to get banned from 2009 December !! Now you need to study about a new class of oil along with conventional extender oils for Rubber. (ie. Aromatic,Naphthenic, Paraffinic oils ).

I know you have so many quieries on it. Do visit this official document on this hot issue on PAH !! ( )

New EU regulation on "REACH":EC. Reg. 20 06/1907

European Eunion (EU) is goin to impose a regulation on the manufacturing and import of chemicals/ in europe.

In the scase of tyre, those who are going manufacture in Europe and intend to Export to Eorope are bound by this Regulation.

All latest information on this please follow the link below: